Installing life-saving equipment in Burnham Thorpe
The community of Burnham Thorpe received £500 of funding towards the installation of a defibrillator in their rural village.
- community
The prompt use of a defibrillator is crucial for increasing the chances of survival in cases of sudden cardiac arrest. For every minute that defibrillation is delayed, the likelihood of survival decreases by 7% to 10%.
This challenge is especially pronounced in rural areas, where the response time of emergency medical services is extended, and access to defibrillators is often limited. The nearest defibrillators to Burnham Thorpe were several miles away, accessible only by car, posing a significant challenge in case of emergencies.
The project was also supported by Sam Sandell, the ward councillor who also gave the project £100 through the Councillor Community grant Scheme.
The village hall committee organised a community awareness training session that took place in the hall itself. A2B training Ltd (First Aid trainers) conducted the defibrillator first aid training with 10 members of the community learning how to use the unit.
Holly Smith, speaking on behalf of the hall, explained the impact of the initiative: "It was quite enlightening for many. As well as actual CPR and defibrillator use, it covered managing emergency situations. We had a lot of individuals who work from home or are retired and might be the first person being called upon.”
This project exemplifies a community project, where a shared vision for safety and well-being translates into tangible actions.