Future Biogas 2024 in review
In 2024, Future Biogas has enjoyed an eventful year of significant growth, marked by strategic initiatives, industry recognition and community engagement. Below we highlight just some of the stories and events that shaped our year.
- news
Industry insights: Policy Lead Dr. Nick Primmer contributed to a Bioenergy Insight report, discussing themes anticipated to shape the bioenergy sector in 2024. The report can be found here.
Documentary: Future Biogas was featured in the documentary "The UK's Clean Energy Future," highlighting its role in advancing renewable energy solutions. You can watch the final feature here.
Documentary: Commercial Director Adam Francis appeared in "The Path to Sustainability" documentary, a feature looking at businesses based in Hampshire and Surrey offering green solutions and more sustainable ways of doing business. The feature can be viewed here.
Agricultural Board: Future Biogas launched an Agricultural Board to to provide independent farming, scientific and market expertise and scrutiny to help deliver Project Carbon Harvest. You can read more about the announcement here.
Carbon Literacy Training: Future Biogas initiated internal Carbon Literacy training to enhance employee understanding of carbon management and sustainability.
Innovation Recognition: The company was named one of the 500 most innovative UK companies in the UK Innovation & Impact report.
Company Day: Employees participated in a company day at Woburn Safari Park, engaging in team-building activities, including constructing equipment for the animal enclosures and a talk from the group Outta Puff Daddys, a dance group that campaigns for mental health awareness.
ISCC Membership: Future Biogas became a member of the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC), reinforcing its commitment to sustainable practices. Read more here.
Sustainability Award: The company won the Sustainability Award at the 2024 REA British Renewable Energy Awards, recognizing its Project Carbon Harvest initiative, the UK's first unsubsidised biomethane project, and its collaboration with AstraZeneca.
Strategic Acquisition: With backing from 3i Infrastructure, Future Biogas acquired a 51% stake in a portfolio of six gas-to-grid anaerobic digestion facilities, adding a combined gas output of 333GWh to its operations. Read more here.
Charity Initiative: A team from Future Biogas completed a marathon-length "Moonwalk" between Grange Farm Energy and Merlin Renewables, raising over £20,000 for Walk the Walk Worldwide, supporting cancer research and related services. Read more here.
Digital Presence: Future Biogas launched a new website to correspond to a refresh of its visual brand. Please explore the site if you haven't visited before!
Investment: Future Biogas announced an investment from RWE Energy Transition Investments, an arm of RWE Supply & Trading GmbH, to support the company's growth strategy and development of renewable energy projects. Read more here.
Policy Discussion: In collaboration with Cadent Gas and the Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA), Future Biogas hosted a panel discussion at the House of Commons titled "Greening the Gas Grid without Subsidy," focusing on decarbonizing the UK gas grid and biogas' role in helping achieve net-zero. Read more here.
Business Profile: NatWest Business profiled Future Biogas, highlighting its contributions to the renewable energy sector and its role in the UK's transition to sustainable energy. Read the feature here.
Community Funding
Across the biogas plants we own or operate, we run community funding schemes that aim to support local, not-for-profit initiatives that contribute to:
Social sustainability
Environmental sustainability
Educational promotion
Funding is awarded on an application basis. In 2024, Future Biogas contributed over £61,000 towards community schemes, a record year!
The Future Biogas team wishes everyone a Happy New Year.