Future Biogas launches new website
In line with launching the UK’s first unsubsidised biomethane project, we decided it was time to build a new website that was more representative of our business and provided more detail the on the products and services we offer.
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The journey
We were conscious that the construction of our new website was an area where we could better represent our commitment to sustainability. When it comes to carbon emissions, your personal or company website is perhaps not on your radar as somewhere you can make a reduction.
While each website individually can be thought of as a relatively small emission in the grand scheme of things, when combined, our digital ecosystems become an area of concern.
As of June 2023, it is believed there were over 201,898,446 active websites, with a new website being launched every three seconds. Only a tiny fraction of these sites are built with low carbon design and development principles in mind.
The internet now consumes more electricity than the entirety of the United Kingdom.
Even many of the common digital platforms, CMS providers and end-to-end website providers (the common gateways for website creators) have not been built with carbon efficiency in mind as a primary consideration.
Similar to how we as individuals must take responsibility for our carbon footprints and make responsible adjustments where appropriate, so too do we at Future Biogas believe it is the responsibility of businesses to do the same.
When you consider somewhere around 34% of the world’s population (Statista) still don’t have access to the internet, it becomes clear that this is still a major potential growth area when it comes to global emissions. As with many environmental considerations - we have reached a critical point to influence the future impact that our digital world will have.
When selecting a partner to build our new website, we opted to work with Tempest, a newly formed specialist low carbon design and development studio.
We hope our website can help show how visually impressive low carbon design and build can be. With a refined look in addition to an upgraded navigation, we believe our new site will better serve our website users.
A secondary benefit of a website being low carbon is the associated uptick in performance achieved by removing a lot of the unnecessary bloat and inefficient backend processes that occur on many websites.
We’re proud to be completely transparent in terms of how much CO2 is emitted per visit to this site, and despite a huge rise in the number of pages, available information and amount of content. We’ve reduced our CO2 emissions from ~5.98g of CO2 per visit, down to ~0.04g of CO2 per visit, which is assessed to be in the top 4% of websites globally.
We encourage you to check your own website at https://www.websitecarbon.com/ to see where you might be able to implement changes.